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Subtle signs of a toxic relation that you have been ignoring coz “it’s practice”

1)It’s making you insecure : To the limit of obsession. You have put in all your time and energy into your practice. Needless to say sweat money and blood into it. But your practice is not performing enough and is making you worry to the extent of taking a toll on your health. You might have taken loans thinking your practice will pay it off and now it is giving you nightmares. 2)It is holding you an emotional Hostage : Whenever you take a day off to yourself, you feel guilty about it. You feel guilty over the stuff you really have no control over, like patients not walking in, or you expecting more from a day’s work. 3)Overstepping of Limits: If Your practice is what is on your mind, and your practice is all that you do then you need to think rationally. Your practice is dominating your life without giving you a break. 4)Pulling you down? Do you feel your good work is not getting the right appreciation that you deserve? Basically, if at the e
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Little Acts of Kindness (Part ll)

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Little acts of kindness !! (Part I)

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3 ways to hold your Dental team Liable

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Break The Stereotypes About You That Aren’t True

It is important that your patient visits you for each and every visit that you appoint them for or twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings, but many of your patients fail to visit or  avoid going due to misconceptions and stereotypes about you. These stereotypes can keep your patients from getting the care you can provide and save them from long visits ad a hole in their pocket .We live in a society where Dentist’s are still not given a position equivalent to Doctors, rather they are accused of overcharging, have prolonged visits and what not. Tackling some of these misconceptions can make your patients feel more confident about visiting you and help to ensure your patient's mouth stays healthy. 1) You Don’t Care About Causing Pain One of the biggest misconceptions about dentists and dentistry is that dentists enjoy causing pain. This is simply not true. Dentists go into the profession because they want to help patients improve their oral health and overall well